How often do you think you yourself in another body

Sunday, September 4, 2011
















































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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Black is back

Coffee doesn't have to be an excuse either.

Although it should be gross, us coffee addicts have come to precieve its qualities as delightful and necessary to be normal. Some of us can't make sense of the day without it. It becomes not just part of our consumption, but part of our daily activities that come to define what we are about.

Obviously I am speaking as an addict! So my dearest addicts do NOT attempt to give this up while making other lifestyle changes. Just tweek it a bit and go BLACK. It's like a smoker changing to electronic ciggs. They still get the drug and the puff, it just tastes different. So again, go BLACk with your coffee you will still get the caffine and the activity of going to your daily coffee joint, it will just taste different and it only takes about 5 days to get accustomed to it.

Also be on alert...I used to drink the fancy coffees like white chocolate mocha until Starbucks started posting calories. The bloody thing was over 700 cals. That's my flipping whole day on a SIP of coffee. It's ridiculous.
So just be aware. This also included hot chocolate drinkers okay. Watch out.

Busy busy day. Chow time. Hmm

As you can see this is the chicken chipotle hostel box from starbucks. I took out the tortillas, side , salsa, and small chocolate. Easily saved 200 plus cals and saved myself an insulin spike. Which I can't afford bc I took my daughter on a field trip with her school and we shared a PB sandwich. Ouch!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Everything in moderation is okay?

I just popped this handful of goldfish in my mouth , I actually let it dissolve. Lol sounds gross right? It was great. The cinnamon candy was gone before I even realized I had grabbed it.

The truth is its really okay to not be perfect but to have limits is what is working for me right now. Those snacks won't me as long as the list of "small" snacks don't turn into a huge list for one day.

Points for Vitamin Water XXX regular

Since I started talking about weight watchers. Well I looked up the vitamin water for you all and the vitamin water zero is just that, no points. However good news the regular vitamin water XXX is ONLY 1 POints plus. Amazing right! There is also no artificial sweetners in the ingredients.

Warning!! Weight Watcher folks...

This beautifully packaged Starbucks bistro meal appears like it would be just a few points.
If you eat everything inside it will cost you 10 points plus and thats not cheap. The way I ate it by discarding everything but the chicken lettuce and cheese was a mere 4 points.

Busy busy day. Chow time. Hmm

As you can see this is the chicken chipotle hostel box from starbucks. I took out the tortillas, side , salsa, and small chocolate. Easily saved 200 plus cals and saved myself an insulin spike. Which I can't afford bc I took my daughter on a field trip with her school and we shared a PB sandwich. Ouch!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

What was good about today...

Let's celebrate the small things, for now. The big picture for anything almost always takes much longer to see.

Today I didn't have anything but water, coffee, which goes without saying, and unsweetened iced tea. That I celebrate. Beverages are so easy to come by and 99% are full of sugar including juices. So, I did great I avoided all temptations.

Now, for the other side of the coin. What I could have done better today is not skipping meals. I skipped 2.

Also, my water intake was less than the daily recommendation when dieting according to Michael Thurman who developed the six week body makeover. His recommendation is approximately 100 ounces or 12 8 ounce servings or what I use is 6-7 red plastic cups that I buy from Costco. The less times I have to lift a cup of non-coffee related or carbonated liquid to my mouth the better. Drinking water is like drinking medicine all day for me. It's tough to swallow!

No activities to speak of today.

Yes I did!

Not all of it. My daughter and I savored it together.


Black is back

Coffee doesn't have to be an excuse either.

Although it should be gross, us coffee addicts have come to precieve its qualities as delightful and necessary to be normal. Some of us can't make sense of the day without it. It becomes not just part of our consumption, but part of our daily activities that come to define what we are about.

Obviously I am speaking as an addict! So my dearest addicts do NOT attempt to give this up while making other lifestyle changes. Just tweek it a bit and go BLACK. It's like a smoker changing to electronic ciggs. They still get the drug and the puff, it just tastes different. So again, go BLACk with your coffee you will still get the caffine and the activity of going to your daily coffee joint, it will just taste different and it only takes about 5 days to get accustomed to it.

Also be on alert...I used to drink the fancy coffees like white chocolate mocha until Starbucks started posting calories. The bloody thing was over 700 cals. That's my flipping whole day on a SIP of coffee. It's ridiculous.
So just be aware. This also included hot chocolate drinkers okay. Watch out.

What not to do...

Don't get caught up in your newest activity ( blog ), and forget that eventually you will have to eat! The question is what will I eat today? 

Right now I don't have a clue. I am clueless!
I didn't pre-prepare anything like I did yesterday.
So I have two choices:

1. Make shopping list,make run to the market,go home and cook it all up, portion it out store and eat! Ewww draining.
2. Just wing it, make as healthy choices as possible that are available in take out form....Yeah right!

Being skinny requires planning and preparing not just the food but mentally to get the day going.

Don't let anyone tell you that this can be an easy process. It is not. I believe it can be simple, but not easy.

You know what,in addition to that don't Ever let anyone tell you..

" just do it, what are you waiting for, go ahead and lose it, blah Zie blah Zie".

With two big UNLESSes...Unless the person is willing to do all the preparations and planning for you and all you have to do is be reminded to sit and eat.Then be served the prepared food and drink, topped off with a little bit of motivational words to make you believe you are full, and won't be tempted to eat anything else outside your goals, and/or the person in question is paying for your weight loss program or system! Got it? Unless number two...the person with these words of wisdom are your support system such as your mom-big brother- dad role model- or aunt that could be your momma or BFF.

Thats it. Otherwise pray for everyone else! That they may shut there pretty lips and open them only to tell you how skinny you are!

Breakfast Challenge

My challenge this week is to start eating earlier. Apparantely breakfast is extremely important to the metabolic functions and is superior to eating any other time of day. Which makes sense, of course.

This morning however...and last, I find trouble taking my first bite. I certainly don't want to ruin the day, and I just know whatever food hits my pallet first, well that will be how the rest of the day goes, or progressively worse.

This is what occurs when I eat breakfast:

If I eat well at breakfast, then lunch comes and I feel good I am really conscious about my food intake so conscious that I might skip it if there isn't any convenient options, then dinner comes and I feel like wow I made it through this day let me finish it off doing the right thing and eating well. So that all sounds great right

....well by the end of the day I have either skipped a bunch of meals or felt so wonderful about my accomplishment that I REWARD myself and go off the deep end. How's that?

Need recommendations

Good morning all.
So blogging is very new to me, but I really want to display a cool page with posts that are easy to read and view. If anyone knows of a way I can post my food and activity journal in a gadget perhaps, it may be helpful. Thanks.

Food diary

I will be posting everything I eat, drink, and all of the activities I do within this blog.

So on January 13, 2012 when I have my IT's OFFICIAL PARTY at Cobras and Matadors and this skinny chic has been released anyone who wants to get there can see for themselves exactly what I did, and not just in theory from a book or program.

So here is what today looked like for a skinny chic:

I prepared the chicken posted in the picture earlier today this morning; enough for all my meals for the day. I ate about 3 ounces of the chicken, and about 4 of the brussel sprouts 4 times today with greens in the first meal. I actually skipped breakfast today. I had coffee, vitamin water, plain water only. About an hour ago I drank a fiber mix. Thats it. Plain. Boring. Repetitive, but no temptations and thus no excuses.

The days end

Success, yes a successful day!

I thank God for the motivation and strength I had to end this day without a single mishap.

I suddenly realize how much dedication it is to become, be, and stay a skinny chic. Frankly I empathize with the skinny chics out there, because it's not easy to say no to yourself a thousand times in a day. I myself am drained from it.

There's another factor in the mental challenge of making choices that are good for me. That factor has to do with the relationships and people I have been surrounded by. I am grateful now to be free to have my friends and family that give me the delicate but tough realizations that are needed for me to go forward and live life as a skinny chic, or rather just a healthy good looking broad! It's really not okay to be uncomfortable with yourself and forget how beautiful you are just because there is so much more covering up all the good stuff!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

This is what Skinny Chics drink. It has no calories, is yummy cold, and its in a bottle so I can pretend its a coke.

Someone reccommended Vitamin Water Zero to me a week ago. I tried a few flavors and XXX is my favorite. I found it at staterbrothers for 99 cents, yeah not as cheap as water,but has a purpose...This vs. That .....Vitamin Water vs. Flavored Rasberry Iced Tea ( which has as many calories as soda BTW UNCLE! ) .

So far today ....

I drank water, black coffee, and vitamin water zero.

I ate freshly prepared brussel sprouts with boneless skinless thin sliced chicken breast prepared in garlic,tomatoes,blk pepper, hot sauce, lemon peel, squeezed lemon.

Then I microwave steamed 3 collard green leaves for 90 seconds and wrapped them around the chicken, which made it great finger food. I held it like the sandwich I wish it was and chowed down.

Not bad actually.

So what can be said about the day so far? I AM ON let's hope the trend continues....for a few months, because that's what I will need to be one of the skinny chics! For now, we can all continue to just enjoy looking at those types of broads! Who doesn't love looking at a skinny chic and thinking random thoughts like....does she eat?